Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and the Quest for Truth

Three ‘heavyweight’ planetary players are affecting the current global situation, as Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto weave a dance of conjunctions through the zodiac sign of Capricorn: Saturn is concerned with stability, structures and our fear of change; Jupiter is concerned with our search for truth, and our hopes and wishes for making a better life; Pluto is concerned with how we find our true will and the ability to express our power in the world; Capricorn is concerned with how businesses, governments, national and international  institutions wield and maintain the power of the status quo.

2020 began with a conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on January 12th. This was followed, in April by the first of three conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto this year.

On April 26th, Pluto went retrograde, followed by Saturn going retrograde on May 11th, and then Jupiter going retrograde on May14th. Whilst Jupiter and Pluto are both going retrograde, they will conjunct again on June 30th. This will mark a moment of truth.

Jupiter - Pluto Retrograde.png

A planet appears to go retrograde (move backwards) when, at certain points in Earth’s orbit around the Sun, the Earth ‘overtakes’ the other planet, giving the appearance that it is moving backwards. This means that, psychologically and spiritually, the other planet is retracing its steps, giving us opportunities to review, look deeper and act differently towards any issues that it might be bringing up.

January’s conjunction between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn heralded a time for major restructuring of all our personal, national and global institutions and the underlying power structures that support them. Then along came Jupiter to begin the process of sweeping away the debris of the old and starting to formulate the new ideologies that will emerge, once Saturn and Jupiter (in December 2020), then Pluto (in March 2023) have moved into the zodiac sign of Aquarius. This is when the true energies of the Aquarian Age can finally begin to manifest. Every major alignment up until now has been by way of preparation for this global shift of consciousness.

The preparation process for the current global awakening began back in 1987, with the Harmonic Convergence; another major turning point was at the 1999 Solar Eclipse, when the energetic focus for the planetary Brow Centre (Third Eye) shifted from the Middle East, where for the last 2,000 years of the Age of Pisces, it had been focussed over Jerusalem and Mecca. At that Eclipse, it moved through the Earth’s energy grids, to begin anchoring into the sacred centres of Britain (at Stonehenge, Avebury & Glastonbury) and Ireland (at Newgrange, Tara and Uisneach). Then came the completion of the 25,626 – year cycle of the Mayan Calendar at the December Solstice 2012, and the beginning of the next 25,626-year cycle. Each of these cosmic events heralded major turning points, creating global shifts in consciousness to prepare us for this current time.

Few could have imagined just how disruptive and drawn out this time of change would be. It requires nothing short of a complete shift of the global paradigm and archetypes, underpinning human consciousness, which have held sway in the collective human psyche for at least the last 5,125 years (1/5 of a 25,626-year cycle). It is little wonder that this shift is taking a while to accomplish, and that the vested interests of the Old Piscean Age are now so desperately, blatantly, hideously and unashamedly trying to cling to their power, whatever the human cost. Humanity as a whole is awakening, and those who have been holding the power are terrified out of their wits by this prospect. They will not win, as the energies of the Cosmos are bringing positive change, come what may.

The retrograde phase of Pluto and Jupiter is a time for Truth to be revealed and for clear choices to be made. Pluto brings the choice between accepting ever-increasing levels of control being imposed upon us or for standing in our true power to defend our individual and collective freedoms. As Pluto and Jupiter pass through their retrograde phase (until Sept/Oct), they will reveal increasing and bewildering levels of truths, half-truths, untruths and downright lies and deceptions, such that it is likely to be extremely difficult, even for the most discerning, to perceive what is real and what is unreal. Pluto is peeling away layers and layers and then more layers of illusion that we have all be subjected to for centuries. Whilst Jupiter at its core is concerned with Truth, when we are not in touch with that core level of truth it can also have a tendency to animate, exaggerate, over-dramatise or veer off into realms of sheer ungrounded fantasy, wish-fulfilment and sensationalism. (And yes, Boris Johnson has his Jupiter in a prominent position!)

The bottom line is that very little of what we are currently seeing, what we are being shown and what we are even actually able to see, is real.

Pluto has a tendency to make us see things in varying shades of black and white, right and wrong, truth and lies. Some are convinced that “their” side of the argument is right, others are equally as convinced that “their” side of the argument is right. In truth, both sides have elements of rightness, because they are mutually inter-dependent, and each is playing its part in the break-down of the grand web of illusion that has been woven into the fabric of human consciousness for centuries. There are those on both sides who occasionally catch little glimpses of what is actually real, but then run with that little fleeting glimpse as if it were the whole truth, and end up drawing all sorts of conclusions and thereby immediately get lost in the illusion again. Within this turbulent chaos, it becomes easy to project our own beliefs, agendas, pet conspiracy theories, past wounds or unresolved emotional issues onto whichever figurehead currently happens to be saying the right “sound-bite” that fits with our personal bias. We may think we are unbiased, but if we are taking a side in all of this, then we are biased, because we are not clearly seeing the whole picture of the interweaving of the Light and the Darkness, being played out on the world stage. It is that mutually interdependent inter-weaving, that tapestry of Light and Dark that is gradually and painfully moving us collectively towards a place of balance.


In its essence, Pluto is about aligning us with our true inner Spiritual Will, to allow the Will of the Divine, or the Will of the Universe to act through us, as individuals. This is Pluto’s positive energy of the First Ray of manifestation that embodies the pure, uncompromising, searing consciousness of Divine Light. It does not care about personal beliefs, personal agendas, or personal unresolved wounds, because is exists to reveal the illusory nature of all of these and to heal and transform them. Pluto requires a dying-off of our old selves, of the ways in which we cling to our sense of personal power, or the lack of it, so that we may become transformed and stand in our true spiritual power, in service to the Will of the Universe. The alternative is to refuse to surrender to that process of change by clinging to our past, to the little ways in which we somehow feel in control whilst not being. By resisting our own transformation, we thereby giving away any true power to those who wish to manipulate and control it for their own ends and dubious agendas. Pluto takes us into the underworld of our unconscious motivations, to bring them out into the Light and reveal them to us, so that the energy potential locked up in them can be transformed into Light. It can be a painful process of spiritual rebirth especially when we resist it, or try to deflect it by projecting our own inner fears or unresolved control agendas out onto others, in order to avoid confronting our own darkness and going through what is necessary to transform it into Light.

Jupiter is concerned with our perception of Truth and how we enact that in the world. The only way to clearly perceive what is true is through the singular vision of our inner spiritual perception, or our Third Eye. If we are looking at things from the perspective of duality, of right and wrong, of Light and Dark, then we will not see the full Truth, because we are only acknowledging one side of the Truth. What is being played out on the planet right now is throwing up all of the Light and all of the Darkness, for all to see. Pluto is stirring up everything that has been lurking within the Collective Unconscious for centuries and, in the process, is muddying the waters of pretty much all of Jupiter’s past perceptions and beliefs about what is true.


So, particularly during the retrograde phase of Jupiter (until 13th Sept) and Pluto (until 4th Oct), we need to follow Lao Tse’s advice to “wait quietly for the mud to settle, and remain in stillness until the moment of action arrives” (Dao de Jing – Chapter 15), before we can have any real chance of clearly seeing the whole picture of what is reality and what is illusion. Within this time-frame, we should certainly not be attempting to “return to normal activities”, and certainly not until at least June 30th, when the retrograde conjunction occurs. The problem is, Jupiter is not particularly good at being patient!

In spite of Jupiter’s lack of patience, now is the time whilst retrograde, to step back from attachments to our beliefs and to any specific wished-for outcomes. We need to allow ourselves to find a place of stillness in which we can gain clarity to perceive the whole picture, so that we will know how to act when Jupiter and Pluto turn direct again. This cannot be done from the ego level, because our human ego can never see the whole picture. The ego itself is only a tiny part of that picture. In the overall scheme of the Universe, the ego has no reality; it is a self-created illusion, so how could it possibly perceive the enormity of what is really going on. Even attempting to write about what it means, like this, can only ever offer just a tiny insight into the whole picture.

This conjunction offers to each and every person on this planet, in a way that has never happened before, the opportunity to step back from ourselves and the attachments of our lives. In our isolation, paradoxically, we can learn to let go of our illusion of separateness. This will become particularly focussed as retrograde Jupiter and retrograde Pluto become exactly conjunct with asteroid Pallas Athene (also retrograde) on June 30th, all within a few degrees of Saturn (also retrograde), which is already in Aquarius, laying the foundations for restructuring, for the Aquarian Age.

The conjunction of retrogrades Saturn, Pallas, Jupiter and Pluto are all in sextile (60°) aspect to Neptune in Pisces, which is also retrograde. With the exception of Saturn, a few degrees ahead of the others, there are no connections from these to any other planets at this time. So, whilst retrograde Saturn is ahead, clearing the ground for the foundations that will support the energies of Jupiter and Pluto when they make it fully into Aquarius, the task at hand is to surrender. This involves letting go to allow the old, worn out, one-size-must-fit-all paradigm of the mass movements, beliefs, political philosophies and religions of the old Age of Pisces, to finally expire, and take all the dinosaurs that want to keep perpetuating that old paradigm with them! Their time is up! Pallas Athene’s role in this is to fearlessly wield her sword of honesty and truth and ruthlessly cut away our attachments to the old paradigm.


When they turn direct again, Jupiter on Sept 13th and Pluto on Oct 4th, the mud will begin to settle, we will begin to see more clearly the way forward and be ready for when Jupiter enters Aquarius in December. Then, Jupiter can begin imbuing the structures that Saturn has been creating, with a new, positive vision and vitality.

When Pluto eventually enters Aquarius in January 2024, the structures being created by Saturn and the vision imbued by Jupiter for the Age of Aquarius can begin to manifest in a spiritually empowered and balanced way!

In the meantime, we are all caught in a kind of limbo, where the emerging technologies of the New Age are being hijacked, controlled and manipulated by the defunct mindsets of the Old Age, and by those power-crazed (possibly insane) dinosaurs, who believe they have the right to impose their technologies onto the masses, without their permission or agreement. It is the worst possible example of putting the “new wine” of those potentially transformative, life-enhancing technologies into the “old wineskins” of the outmoded one-size-fits-all belief systems of the Old Age. The one consolation is that the wine will very quickly become soured, and we will all collectively spit it out, consigning those abusers of power to the recycle bin of history.

In the meantime, we must wait for the mud to settle.

Join Us for live meditations on Zoom


To assist in this, we will be doing live meditations on Zoom and you are invited to join us.
These meditations are in preparation for the Jupiter Pluto Retrograde Conjunction on Tuesday 30th June in the early morning.
At this time, we will be at the Hurlers Stone Circles on the Michael-Mary/Rainbow Serpent energy line.
You are invited to link in with us from wherever you are in the world.


Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Mediation
Time: Jun 5, 2020 07:30 PM London
Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81358613634
Meeting ID: 813 5861 3634

Summer Solstice and New Moon/Solar Eclipse Meditation
Time: Jun 20, 2020 08:00 PM London
Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81577598424
Meeting ID: 815 7759 8424

Jupiter and Pluto Conjunction Meditation
Time: Jun 29, 2020 08:00 PM London
Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82903853589
Meeting ID: 829 0385 3589

Stay Alert (!) for further information
about the astrology of the
Lunar and Solar Eclipses on this blog.


Timeline of Saturn – Pluto – Jupiter conjunctions and entry into Aquarius:

Saturn conjunct Pluto 12.01.2020 15:04 UT. 22° 46’ Capricorn

Saturn enters Aquarius 22.03.2020 03:58 00° 00’ Aquarius

Jupiter conjunct Pluto 05.04.2020 02:47 BST 24° 53’ Capricorn

Pluto Retrograde 26.04.2020 19:54 24° 59’ Capricorn

Saturn Retrograde 11.05.2020 05:09 01° 57’ Aquarius

Jupiter Retrograde 14.05.2020 15:32 27° 14’ Capricorn

Jupiter R conj Pluto R 30.06.2020 05:17 24° 06’ Capricorn

Saturn R into Capricorn 02.07.2020 00:37 29° 59’ Capricorn

Jupiter Direct 13.09.2020 01:40 17° 24’ Capricorn

Saturn Direct 29.09.2020 06:11 25° 20’ Capricorn

Pluto Direct 04.10.2020 14:32 22° 29’ Capricorn

Jupiter conj Pallas Pluto 12.11.2020 19:38 UT 22° 51’ Capricorn

Saturn enters Aquarius 17.12.2020 05:04 00° 00’ Aquarius

Jupiter enters Aquarius 19.12.2020 13:07 00° 00’ Aquarius

Sun – Solstice 21.12.2020 10:03 00° 00’ Capricorn

Jupiter conjunct Saturn 21.12.2020 16:14 00° 28’ Aquarius

Pluto enters Aquarius 23.3.2023 13:03 00° 00’ Aquarius

Pluto back into Capricorn 11.6.2023 09:46 29° 59’ Capricorn

Pluto/Sun enter Aquarius 21.1.2024 00:51 00° 00’ Aquarius

Sue Weaver