Manifesting the New Dream

Jupiter conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius, 21st December Solstice

Solstice - 10:02 UT/GMT

Jupiter - Saturn conjunction exact: 16:14 – 17:43 UT/GMT

Dear friends,

If you are new to this, you might find that earlier blogposts help to put it into context:

As Jupiter conjuncts Saturn on the day of the December Solstice, the Grand Cross pattern that began on 7th December, still dominates the astrology chart.

Grand Cross -1.png

The issues represented in the Grand Cross (discussed below) will be so dominant as we pass through the Solstice, that the potentially world-changing significance of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, (apart from being very beautiful to behold in the night sky), might just seem like a fleeting event. This is especially so if we are pre-occupied with the massive challenges, loudly demanding our attention, which are being played out by the energies of the Grand Cross, eg: Pandemic, Climate Change, Brexit, change of US Administration, etc, etc

By comparison, what will be happening with Jupiter-Saturn is quite subtle. On the one hand, we will have the (northern hemisphere) Winter Solstice, when the Sun reaches its lowest point in the sky and appears to be swallowed up into the Earth, thereby planting the seeds for a re-birth to occur in the Spring. The best way to contact the tremendous creative potential contained in this seed moment of the year is to withdraw into the stillness, silence and darkness.

At the same time, with Jupiter and Saturn being conjunct at 0°28’ Aquarius, their true significance is also hidden in an energetic valley between the zodiac signs of Capricorn and Aquarius.

The pioneering Swiss astrologer Bruno Huber discovered the energy dynamic within the Tropical Zodiac signs that mirrors the geometry of the Golden Mean spiral. The ‘quietest’ energy point in each zodiac sign lies in the ‘valley’ between the signs. Then the energy rises steeply up to the strongest area, between 11° 27’ to 18° 32’, and then starts to fall off again down towards the end of the sign.

Golden Mean Signs.png

So, whilst Jupiter and Saturn may appear very bright in the sky at the Solstice, the true power that their conjunction brings may not be perceptible for some time. Their conjunction, like the Winter Solstice, is a moment when something new, significant, and filled with potential, yet also precious, innocent and vulnerable is being born into the collective consciousness. The seed potential of this moment needs to be nurtured, tended and encouraged to grow into its most positive, life-affirming expressions in the coming months.

With all the distractions of the Grand Cross, it may seem impossible to grasp exactly what is being born into the collective consciousness at this Jupiter – Saturn conjunction. It marks the moment when the 5th dimensional potentials of the Aquarian Dream can begin to take form within the 3rd dimension, imprinting into the Earth’s energy grids and flowing into the collective consciousness of Humanity.

It will still take at least until next Spring before these energies begin to bubble up fully into conscious awareness. The time that this process will take is, in part due to the Precession of the Equinoxes:

About Precession

The Earth wobbles very slowly on its axis, taking approximately 25,626 years to complete one full 360° “wobble”.

Tropical Zodiac.png

The start point of the Tropical Zodiac is at the (northern hemisphere) Spring Equinox, when the Sun reaches 0° Aries. This is the point where the Celestial Equator (Earth’s equator projected out into space) intersects with the Ecliptic plane (the plane of Earth’s orbit around the Sun).

Due to the Earth’s “wobble” on its axis, the Spring (and Autumn) Equinox points move very slowly backwards (precess) through space in relation to the star constellations that originally gave the Zodiac signs their names and characteristics. It takes an average of 2,135 years for the Equinox point to traverse backwards through one complete constellation, (depending on the size of the constellation).

Equinox Age of Aries.png

Around 3,700 years ago, as Astrology was emerging, the Spring Equinox point coincided with the constellation of Aries in the background. Now, almost 3,700 years later, the Spring Equinox point of 0° (Tropical) Aries has traversed the constellations of Aries (Age of Aries) and Pisces (Age of Pisces) and now lies in-between the constellations of Pisces and Aquarius, shown by the star map for the 20th March 2021 Equinox below. This is why we are “moving into the Age of Aquarius”.

Equinox Age of Aquarius.png

So, due to Precession, the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs have gradually slipped out of phase with each other. Now a planet in Tropical Zodiac Aquarius, will be in Sidereal Zodiac Capricorn, at the same moment. This does not invalidate either of the Zodiacs. The patterns and cycles created by the planets’ movements through space are multi-layered, dealing with vast distances and perspectives. The Sidereal Zodiac is concerned with vast spiritual energies and archetypes emanating from the distant constellations; these are many light-years away from us and govern the vast cycles of spiritual evolution on Earth.

The Tropical Zodiac is much closer to home, being based on Earth’s axis tilt in relation to the Sun and how that creates the cycle of the seasons. The positions of the planets around the Tropical Zodiac signs define our individual human experiences, growth, personal karma and spiritual evolution. The planets’ positions in the distant Sidereal Zodiac reveal our larger collective experience and the overall spiritual evolution and collective karma of Humanity. To really feel the star energies of the Sidereal Zodiac, we need to have consciously begun on our personal spiritual path and to have developed a certain level of discernment, detachment and lack of identification with our normal day-to-day human thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Jupiter - Saturn Star Map.png

When Jupiter and Saturn become exactly conjunct at 0° 28’ Tropical Aquarius, they are in the space between Sidereal Sagittarius and Sidereal Capricorn. At the collective spiritual level, Jupiter and Saturn are poised between yearning for meaning and truth (Sagittarius) and the need to develop the collective self-discipline, aspiration, determination and commitment (Capricorn) that it will take for us to manifest that yearning for truth, as they progress through Sidereal Capricorn.

The ways in which this vision of truth (Jupiter) can manifest will require us to create stable physical, psychological and spiritual structures and thought-forms (Saturn), strong enough to support those truths. These ideals and structures can now begin to bring to Earth the true qualities of the Aquarian Age, as Jupiter and Saturn progress through Tropical Aquarius.

At the core of those Aquarian Age principles are the need to acknowledge and act in the best interests of our common humanity, upholding the values of human rights and the rights of all sentient beings, respecting and caring for the planet as a living being, embracing our universal sisterhood and brotherhood, and by using the rapid technological advances of our time for the benefit and enhancement of humanity and of all beings; not by using these technologies to seek to control, manipulate or limit freedoms, rights or creative expression.

As we now start to fully anchor in the energies of Aquarius, we will be confronted by a combination of old Piscean energies, desperately (and quite futilely) clinging on to the old paradigm, as well as by the shadow side of Aquarius, which is being seized upon by those old Piscean archetypes.

Aquarius is traditionally ruled by both Saturn and Uranus, with Jupiter as Aquarius’ esoteric (inner soul) ruler. In its most positive expressions, Uranus brings innovation, rapid and sometimes revolutionary change, new discoveries and new ways of thinking; Saturn’s positive role is to find ways to anchor, consolidate and create the structures that can support and further those Uranian changes, ideals and discoveries. On its shadow side, Uranus can bring change for change’s sake, just to shake up the status quo, or rebel with no thought for the outcome or long-term consequences, but just as a reaction to the limiting patterns of the past, with no plan for how to move forward. Saturn’s shadow expression, fearing the changes that Uranus instigates, can seek to use Uranus’ inventiveness to manipulate, control and keep everything in uniformity, the exact opposite of Aquarius’ urge toward individualism and freedom of expression.

Jupiter, as the esoteric (soul level) ruler, is concerned with selflessly sharing Aquarius’ wisdom, experience, insights and discoveries, by using these or placing them at the disposal of others, to be used for the betterment and advancement of humanity as a whole. Aquarius brings out Jupiter’s most magnanimous, generous and selfless qualities, when functioning at the soul level.

There will be times in the coming months and years when first Jupiter (April – May 2021) & then Saturn (Feb – Mar 2023) will move into the area of the sky where the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs of Aquarius overlap, enabling these planets to draw fully on the spiritual archetypes of Sidereal Aquarius and manifest them at the personal and practical level through Tropical Aquarius – as above, so below. We will look at those times in more detail, at later dates, as they approach.

For now, returning to the chart of their conjunction at the Solstice, the Grand Cross pattern still dominates the sky.

Grand Cross -1.png

The Moon’s North Node in Gemini opposes to the South Node in Sagittarius. Neptune in Pisces is in opposition to Vesta in Virgo. 90° (square) aspects connect the ends of the two oppositions.

The Moon’s North Node reveals the inner purpose of any event. Here, it continues to focus on our common humanity with all our fellow beings. The South Node in Sagittarius requires the letting go of our cherished beliefs of the past, and to trust in the wisdom of the ancestors, so that what we need to retain from the past, will be carried through into the future, and returned to us when the time is right. The most important thing now is to set our sights on where we are headed, not on where we have been, or how we got here. The fact is, we are here now. What we now do with that reality, is what matters.

The vast energy of Neptune in Pisces is literally washing away and dissolving our attachments to the past. In order to withstand Neptune’s tidal wave of change, we need to remain centred in our innermost hearts (Vesta) and allow the unconditional love of Neptune’s purifying grace to release us from everything that we no longer need, trusting that the Universe is unfolding its bigger picture in ways that are currently way beyond our capacity to comprehend. It is important that our hearts do not resist this process of letting go, as this will only make that inevitable process of letting go more painful to experience. If we can embrace the changes and get even just a glimpse of the divine grace, which lies behind those changes, then we will be able to extend out compassion, unconditional love and acceptance towards all our fellow beings. Whilst we may catch glimpses in our peripheral vision of where we are headed, we cannot assume that we, or anyone else, has a full grasp of the unfolding picture. Neptune is concerned with disillusionment – which actually means seeing through the illusion. Everything is in a state of flux but filled with boundless potentials and possibilities. What is most important here is to remain centred in our hearts, both in our day-to-day decisions, and in how we plan for the long-term, with the proviso that we should be flexible enough to adapt those decisions and plans as circumstances change around us.

In essence, Neptune and Vesta are concerned with the collective (Neptune) and individual (Vesta) expressions of Unconditional Love’. Their opposition is focussing us on how to achieve balance between our individual needs and the needs of the many.

In the midst of this huge global process of letting go, Jupiter and Saturn are involved in two small, interlinked Learning Triangles, which are giving us clues to the way forward:

Learning Triangle -1 .png

Moon in Pisces is square (90°) Sun conjunct Mercury in Capricorn, which are semi-sextile (30°) to Jupiter-Saturn, conjunct at 0° 28’ Aquarius, which are sextile (60°) back to the Moon.

The Moon in Pisces allows us to feel into the still depths of the Solstice and to use this time to dream into existence the seed potential for a spiritual re-birth to occur in the coming Spring. This is about dreaming into existence the finest qualities of Jupiter and Saturn that we can imagine. These are truth, clear vision, honesty, integrity, abundance, perseverance, spiritual aspiration and commitment to the highest good, in the service of others. Orbiting at the edge of the visible solar system, Jupiter and Saturn are where the individual meets the collective, so they are known as the social planets, which affect movements of change within society as a whole. Being conjunct in Aquarius, at this turning point in the year, brings the urgent need for sweeping social reforms that embody Aquarian principles. This means acknowledging our common humanity, upholding universal human rights and the rights of all sentient beings, embracing our sisterhood and brotherhood, and using the rapidly advancing technologies of our time for the benefit and enhancement of humanity and the planet; it does not mean using the shadow qualities of Aquarius for seeking to control, manipulate or limit freedoms or the true creative expressions of our humanity, out of self-interest, or for short-term personal gain or profit.

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Chiron in Aries is square (90°) Sun conjunct Mercury in Capricorn, which are semi-sextile (30°) to Jupiter-Saturn, conjunct at 0° 28’ Aquarius, with Pallas Athene at 4° 28’ making a sextile (60°) back to Chiron.

If we are to take full advantage of the healing potential of this time-window for renewal and new beginnings (Chiron in Aries), we need to acknowledge the mistakes and the wrongs that we have perpetrated and/or suffered in the past. We need to do this with clarity, honesty and detachment (Pallas Athene), so that we can truly make a break with the damaging attitudes of the past that have caused ourselves and others pain and suffering. Chiron, which has been going back (retrograde) and forth (direct) in the early degrees of Aries since April 2018, is putting us all on notice that we cannot truly make ourselves whole, without acknowledging our responsibilities towards the health, wholeness and well-being of all others.

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Another larger Learning Triangle has Ceres square (90°) Venus, quincunx (150°) retrograde Uranus, which is sextile (60°) back to Ceres.

Ceres in Pisces focuses us on the need for compassion and nurturing towards our fellow sentient beings. The red 90° square to Venus in Sagittarius means that we need to decide where specifically to focus that care and compassion, lest we be overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of suffering that we see and end up just feeling paralysed and powerless. The green 150° quincunx to Uranus in Taurus indicates that whatever we choose to do can bring a sense of liberation and freedom from suffering for self and others. There is no right or wrong answer, we just need to do something that makes even the smallest change, which will inevitably have ramifications and effects, beyond our wildest imaginings.

For All Our Relations.


Meditation and Ceremony



Online meditation

Jupiter - Saturn Conjunction & Solstice Meditation
Time: Dec 20, 2020 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 0982 5920
Passcode: 579022

Ceremony at the Hurlers Stone Circles on 21st December

We will be in the carpark at 15:30pm. Should you be passing, we’d love to see you.

Some of you have asked for a recording of the last meditation;

Total Solar Eclipse Meeting Recording:

If you plan to do this, we would suggest you do it before the Solstice.

Sue Weaver