The Astrology of 2020 – the Final Movement

Dear friends,

if you haven’t read the previous blogpost that covers the period from mid-November to the end of December, it might be useful to read that first.
Previous Blogpost

This post focuses on the total Solar Eclipse and its effect on the Planetary Earth Grids

Please scroll down to the bottom for meditation and ceremony Links

Total Solar Eclipse

Planetary Earth Grids Activation on 14th December

Eclipse begins: 14:34 UT/GMT – Eclipse ends: 17:54 UT/GMT
Max Eclipse over S. Argentina: 13:18 ART - 16:13 UT/GMT (GB)
17:13 CET (W. Europe) 18:13 EET (E. Europe)- 11:13 EST (E. USA)


The Total Solar Eclipse over South America on 14th December will activate a major re-boot of the Earth’s planetary grid system, in preparation for the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the December Solstice. Their conjunction, in the first degree of Aquarius, will open the doorway to anchor in the energetic structures and thought-forms (Saturn) that can hold the new vision and archetypes (Jupiter) which will enable us to step fully into the Aquarian Age in the coming years.

The map above shows the Eclipse shadow’s path from West to East, over South America. It also shows the North-South meridian lines of the planets’ positions overhead, at the moment of Maximum Eclipse, which will occur over southern Argentina. The small circles show the place on Earth where that planet will be directly overhead. If you are standing anywhere else along the longitude of that planet’s North-South meridian, you would see that planet directly to the North or South. As the Earth turns, and the planet and its meridian line appears to pass overhead, the energy of the planet can imprint into the Earth’s energy grids beneath.


The Unified Vector Grid (UVG) is partly generated by the effects of the energetic waves of the solar wind that stream constantly out from the Sun, interacting with each of the planets of our Solar System including the Earth. Each planetary frequency resonates a specific geometric pattern or matrix into the Earth’s subtle energy grid structure.

The grid pattern shown in this picture is the Icosahedral – Dodecahedral grid, formed by the interacting frequencies of Venus and Mars acting upon the Earth. This grid manifests the state of balance (or imbalance) between the feminine (Yin) energies of Venus and the masculine (Yang) energy of Mars. The functioning of everything on Earth, from the smallest organism to the largest organisation depends upon maintaining an inner and outer balance between the feminine and the masculine. When that balance becomes lost, then confusion, chaos, decay and destruction may ensue.


Woven into the UVG matrix are the two primary Earth energy lines, the Great Male and Female Dragon Lines that encircle the planet. They are the  (masculine) Plumed / Feathered Serpent  and the (feminine) Rainbow Serpent. In Britain, we know the Rainbow Serpent as the Michael – Mary line with its two energy currents that  interweave around the straight (leyline) alignment with the Bealtaine sunrise, at the beginning of May.


What is the effect of a Solar Eclipse on the Earth energy grids?

Back during the August 1999 Eclipse, the dowser Hamish Miller verified that, as the Eclipse shadow passed over the Earth, it temporarily shut down the grids where it passed over. This enables the release of old energy imprints from the Earth grids and then allows for the conscious imprinting of new frequencies. These can be affected, amplified and enhanced if ceremony, prayer or meditation are performed as the N-S planetary meridian lines pass overhead. So, this Eclipse path will directly affect the UVGs in the South Pacific, S. America, the South Atlantic and South Africa. The partial shadow and the N-S meridian lines will also pass directly over the crossing point of the Plumed and Rainbow Serpents at Lake Titicaca, so the energies of this Eclipse will flow from there to affect all the rest of the planetary girds too.


A brief look at the Astrology Chart for the Eclipse shows the unmistakable pattern of a Grand Cross, formed by the oppositions of the Moon’s North and South Nodes with Mercury, Moon and the Sun, and another opposition between Neptune and Vesta. The central circle represents the Earth, from where we observe the planets overhead.

Neptune and Vesta are concerned with the collective (Neptune) and personal (Vesta) expressions of Unconditional Love, and how to find balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the many.

So, these are the planets we will look at, which will play a key role in the activation of the Earth grids during this Eclipse.


As we approach Maximum Eclipse, the first thing that occurs to trigger the grids will be the Moon’s North Node passing over Bali, in Indonesia. The Moon’s North Node always shows the spiritual purpose of any chart. Thirteen minutes before Maximum Eclipse, it will awaken the Bali crossing point of the Rainbow and Plumed Serpents, in preparation for what is about to occur within the global grids.

Robert Coon refers to Bali as the World Purification Centre. The Moon’s North Node meridian passing overhead, a few minutes before maximum Eclipse, will prime the sites in Bali to begin the process of release and purification for the whole planet and Humanity.


Then just six minutes before Maximum Eclipse, the N-S meridian of asteroid Vesta, keeper of the sacred fire of the heart, who would correspond with the volcano goddess Pele, will pass directly over Kilauea Volcano, traditionally regarded as Pele’s home on Big Island Hawaii.

This will literally fire up the process to initiate change in all of the Earth grids around the planet.


Hawaii is the main point on the Earth’s tetrahedral (Jupiter) grid, where energies flow into the Earth grids from the Cosmos. Jupiter’s electro-magnetic field is so vast that it gathers in all kinds of light frequencies from the outer solar system and beyond. It can then focus those energies into the Tetrahedral grid through the energy vortex of Hawaii, which is the northern hemisphere’s “Driver” chakra or “Spinner” wheel for the Plumed Serpent energy line.

Vesta’s meridian passing over the Hawaii volcanoes, just moments before the Eclipse reaches maximum, will spark the creative Spiritual Fires of Love from the Divine Feminine, imprinting them directly into the Earth grids. This creative impulse can then flow along the Plumed Serpent, passing through the sacred sites of North and South America, such as Mt. Shasta, Sedona, Palenque, Macchu Picchu and Cusco to the intersection point of the Plumed and Rainbow Serpents at Lake Titicaca in Bolivia.


As the Eclipse reaches its maximum, the N-S meridians of the Moon’s South Node and Mercury will pass directly above the Tihuanacu temple complex, on the shores of Lake Titicaca.

Mercury in combination with the South Node can enable the conscious release of the old thought patterns and belief systems of all of humanity, that have been held for millennia in our collective memory.


Picture credit: Pavel Špindler – Creative Commons Attribution

The semi-subterranean “Temple of a Thousand Faces” at Tihuanacu depicts 175 carved heads of every race, ethnicity and culture from all around the world; being semi-underground, yet open to the sky above, it is a sacred place that represents the meeting of the conscious (sky above) with the unconscious (Earth beneath) collective of all of Humanity. This Eclipse is about everyone on the planet being given the opportunity to consciously, or unconsciously release their attachments to the old, dying paradigms and archetypes of the passing Age of Pisces, and the Great Ages that came before that.


A few minutes later at 16:18 UT (12:18 BOT in Bolivia), the South Node and Mercury will pass over the Isla del Sol (Island of the Sun) on Lake Titicaca, at the crossing point of the Plumed and Rainbow Serpents.


Then at 16:31 (12:31 BOT), when the Eclipse shadow will have passed across the landmass of S. America, to start its journey across the South Atlantic, the Sun and Moon meridians will imprint their new frequencies respectively into Isla del Sol (Island of the Sun) and Isla de la Luna (Island of the Moon), from where these energies can flow directly into the Rainbow and Plumed Serpents and around the planet.

(The dowsing maps of Isla del Sol and Isla de la Luna are derived from Megalithomania’s YouTube videos “The Path of Viracocha & Origins of the Gods on Isla del Sol, Lake Titicaca” and “Isla de la Luna: Ancient Mysteries & Earth Energies on Lake Titicaca with David Hatcher Childress”. )


From Lake Titicaca, the Rainbow Serpent energy passes north-eastwards through Bolivia, then into Brazil to Manaus and through Surinam, before leaving South America and heading across the North Atlantic to the isle of San Miguel (St. Michael), in the Azores.


Lagoa das Sete Cidades (Dreamsdestroyer – Creative Commons Attribution)

In San Miguel, the energy currents of the Rainbow Serpent converge at Lagoa das Sete Cidades at the Lagoa Verde and Lagoa Azul. Literally, the Green Lake and the Blue Lake, so named because each side of the same lake reflects the sunlight in different colours, due to the presence of phytoplanktons.

The name means the Island of the Seven Tribes or Seven Peoples.


The dowser David Cowan, in his book Ley Lines of the U.K. and the U.S.A, describes two energy lines that cross the USA to converge on Washington DC, and then continue on as one line that links across to meet the Rainbow Serpent at Lagoa das Sete Cidades in the Azores.

These horizontal lines across the USA serve to link the energies of the Plumed and Rainbow Serpents through Washington DC, where we find the largest Earth Acupuncture needle ever created (as far as we know) at the Washington Monument obelisk.

If I were to consider this from the perspective of an Acupuncturist, I would say that the Washington Monument obelisk/needle, is acting as a Junction point on a Luo – connecting meridian that links the planet’s two main Earth meridians, the Yang (Male) Plumed Serpent and the Yin (Female) Rainbow Serpent. The function of a Junction – Luo point in the human body is to maintain balance between the paired energies of a yin and yang organ (eg: Liver and Gall Bladder), so that if one of them goes out of balance, the point’s function acts to pull energy from the stronger one and restore the weaker one to its full strength.

Looked at in this way, the true energetic function of the Washington Monument and by inference of those in the White House and Congress is to help maintain the balance of the Masculine and Feminine energies of the planetary grid. One can only assume that the Masonic designers of the original layout of Washington DC would have perfectly understood this. This would require that the holders of the highest offices of State should exhibit such qualities of balance and sensitivity towards the needs of the masculine and the feminine, both in their personal and public lives. We will leave it to you, dear readers, to decide for yourselves just how well the holders of those high offices have been doing in recent years!


The horizontal energy line across the Atlantic continues on through Sintra in Portugal and eventually to Delphi, the navel of the ancient Greek world, from where we derive most of our modern culture and the values that have driven us for millennia, such as the importance of Reason, open-minded Debate and the principles of Democracy and democratic accountability.

So, to return to the Azores; just before the moment of Maximum Eclipse, Jupiter’s N-S Meridian will pass over Lagoa das Sete Cidades, releasing the old paradigms and archetypes of Jupiter’s belief systems from the energy grids. Then within 3 minutes, Saturn also passes overhead, releasing the energetic structures and thought-forms that have held those paradigms, archetypes and belief systems in place for at least the last 2,000 years.

Note too the position of Pluto, which will be releasing the old power structures that lie behind those thought-forms and beliefs, as it passes over the massive volcanic basalt outcrop of Rocha dos Bordoes, on the westernmost Isle of Flores, the Island of the Flowers. This is the same position where Jupiter and Saturn will be, when they become exactly conjunct on 21st Dec to awaken us to the emerging Truths and new paradigms of the Aquarian Age.


Rocha dos Bordoes - Picture (cropped) by Unukorno – Wikipedia, GNU Free Documentation License

The Azores, lying as they do on the Rainbow Serpent in the middle of the Atlantic, are probably the only remaining direct link to the ancient civilisation of Atlantis, which flourished and then ended abruptly towards the end of the Age of Leo (the opposite point to the Age of Aquarius), roughly 10,000 years ago.

So, part of what this Eclipse will be releasing, will be the collective unconscious memory trauma of the inundation of Atlantis. Barbara Hand Clow has referred to this in her book Catastrophobia, as the collective fear-memory of a similar catastrophe repeating itself. Pluto is concerned with deeply hidden fears that are embedded within the collective unconscious memory. So, at an unconscious level, we may be recognising that we are approaching a time when similar energies are emerging. The Earth and entire Solar System is rapidly moving into a Galactic Wave (also known as the Photon Belt) emanating from the centre of the Galaxy, and through which we will be passing for the next 2,000 or so years (give or take a few hundred years).

During the period when the Atlantean culture held sway in the Age of Leo (approx 10,500 – 8,000 BCE) the Earth and the Solar System were also immersed in a Galactic Wave. As Leo is ruled by the Sun, this was a solar age, dominated by the ego and the masculine principle, which is why the advanced technology and energy-magic used by the Atlanteans eventually backfired – the Feminine principle and the Masculine principle were no longer in balance. The galactic Wave that we are now approaching will take us into 2,000 years (or so) of the Age of Aquarius, the polar opposite of Leo. So, we now have an opportunity to respond differently, once we overcome the first shock-wave of the collective memory of what happened last time we encountered such a Galactic Wave.

The Age of Leo would most probably have been dominated by priest-kings, giving those with esoteric knowledge the power to rule and control the masses. By contrast, the Age of Aquarius will be concerned with the development of Collective Group Consciousness. This is one of the reasons why those currently holding on so tenuously and desperately to their little bits of power are (consciously or unconsciously) terrified of it all being swept away as we enter the Galactic Wave. The nature of collective group consciousness is that everyone has something of value to contribute. It does not mean that we should all have to agree or follow just one way of being. Aquarius is about acknowledging the value of objectivity, diversity, individuality, sisterhood and brotherhood in order to arrive at an understanding of Truth.

There is evidence from the writings of Plato and the pioneering research of some progressive archaeologists, such as Mary Settegast, that long and bloody wars were fought between the Atlanteans and the Greek tribes. (See Plato Prehistorian: Myth, Religion and Archaeology 10,000 – 5,000 BC by Mary Settegast.) In essence this was a war between the principles of Magick (Atlantis) and Reason (Greece). With the catastrophe, whether natural or caused by the misuse of magick, that brought about the fall of Atlantis, what was to become the culture of classical Greece won out. Reason and Democracy eventually became the guiding principles that underpin our modern western-based cultures….at least until the politicians gave away our Democracy to the markets and it all started going to Hell!

As we now begin to fully anchor in the energies of the Aquarian Age, there is the possibility to move beyond the hold of Reason alone and the centralisation of power that comes with it and to find a more balanced relationship between the rational and spiritual dimensions of life.


To assist us in this transition, at the moment of Maximum Eclipse on December 14th, the N-S Meridian of Neptune will pass directly over Mount Olympus, the abode of the ancient Greek gods and over Delphi, the ancient navel of the world. Neptune dissolves our attachments and our illusions, so this will enable the release of thousands of years of attachment to the Greek model. As Neptune passes overhead at Delphi, it will send ripples back along the energy line through Sintra to the Azores and into the Rainbow Serpent, then into Washington DC (with all its Greek-style architecture) and eventually into the Plumed Serpent line. Neptune dissolves and frees us from the limitations of the past, opening us up to infinite possibilities for the future, which can then begin the process of materialising, as Jupiter conjuncts Saturn at the December Solstice.


For All Our Relations

To be continued at the Solstice

Meditations and Ceremonies

Total Solar Eclipse over South America - 14th December

Max Eclipse at 16:16 UT/GMT - 23° 08’ Sagittarius

Online meditation on Sunday 13th December at 7:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting - - Meeting ID: 892 0751 3138

We will be at the Hurlers Stone Circles, with drums, on Monday 14th December at 15:30pm

for a ceremony to work with the energies of the Solar Eclipse

Winter Solstice - 21st December - 10:02 UT/GMT

Jupiter conjunct Saturn - 21st December - 16:14 UT/GMT

We will again hold an online meditation on 20th December and a ceremony at the Hurlers Stone Circles on 21st December

More information and links to follow.

For all our relations

Sue Weaver