Full Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

Full Moon / Maximum Eclipse

5th July at 04:44 UT/GMT (05:44 BST)

At Full Moon on 5th July, there will be another Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, following on from the Lunar Eclipse on 5th June, the Solstice Solar Eclipse on 21st June and the retrograde Jupiter – Pluto conjunction on 30th June. Phew!

Whereas the Lunar Eclipse on 5th June was preparing us emotionally for the Solar Eclipse and the Jupiter – Pluto conjunction, this next Lunar Eclipse will bring the opportunity to begin integrating the massive energetic paradigm shifts that occurred at the Solar Eclipse and the Jupiter – Pluto conjunction.

Lunar Eclipses occur when the Moon moves directly into the shadow cast by the Earth in Space, either completely or partially blocking the Sun’s light from reaching the Moon. Like the 5th June Eclipse, this is a penumbral Eclipse, meaning that the Moon only passes through the fainter outer (penumbral) shadow cast by the Earth, rather than the full inner (umbral) shadow. Whilst the glare of the Sun’s reflected light from the Full Moon becomes dimmed, this can enable us to get in touch with deeper, more subtle feelings that often become lost in the bright surface glare of a normal Full Moon.

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For this Eclipse, the Sun will be exactly conjunct with asteroid Vesta and within 1° of conjunction with the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky; the Moon will be within 2° of conjunction with the star Vega, the brightest (alpha) star in the constellation of Lyra, the Lyre.

The dominant pattern in the chart is the big red Grand Cross. This has (180°) oppositions between Sun conjunct Vesta and Mercury in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn, and between Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries and Juno in Libra. There are (90°) squares from Sun – Vesta to Juno, from Juno to Moon, from Moon to Mars – Chiron and from Mars – Chiron to Sun – Vesta.

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This is a very powerful Grand Cross pattern in the 4 cardinal (strongest, most active and outgoing) signs. The Sun exactly conjunct asteroid Vesta and more widely conjunct with retrograde Mercury means that the truth of our innermost heart (Vesta) is in alignment with our outward expression (Sun) in the world, and is taking precedence over the increasingly unreliable ability of the mind (retrograde Mercury) to tell the truth, or even to discern what is true anymore. The conjunction with Sirius means that behind this inner and outer heart expression, lies the ancient, constant creative power of the Divine Feminine (Sirius / Isis). Sirius can bring much positive gain and success, far beyond what may be expected, or even deserved. However, if that success is arrived at through dishonest means, or you are not up to the task, then it may burn you – politicians and billionaires beware!

The Eclipsed Moon in Capricorn marks the opportunity to finally release all of our personal emotional attachments to the old, outmoded and dying power structures from the Age of Pisces. These are all those power structures which are clearly and increasingly obviously not serving the real interests of anyone, apart from those very few, who still stand to benefit from their continuation. As the bright light of the Full Moon becomes eclipsed and darkened, it will allow the positive, creative and inspirational light of truth shining down from the star Vega to filter into our emotional awareness, bringing a new sense of hope and positive possibilities that can be realised for the future.

Due to the Earth’s slow precessional “wobble” on its axis, over a period of nearly 26,000 years, Vega was once in the position of the Earth’s polestar between 12,000 – 10,000 BCE. The ancient Egyptians identified Vega as the goddess Maat, who measures the soul’s weight against her own, which is as light as a feather. According to Bernadette Brady (Brady’s Fixed Stars) Vega is linked to “magic and divine spells. Those who are influenced by it are full of charisma and have been touched by the otherworld…it was rising when Mozart was born…Yet the power of Vega, this charismatic star full of allure and appeal, can also be seen in the chart of Adolf Hitler.”

So the lesson from Vega is that, whilst we need to embrace its positive, creative, artistic, soul-affirming, and magical potentials, we also need to be acutely aware that just because someone appears to have a powerful charisma, they do not necessarily have our best interests at heart, even if they say they do many times. We should not allow ourselves to be drawn in or duped by such charisma, without examining whether there is actually any substance behind the facade. Now, more than ever, we need to have a high degree of spiritual discernment in such matters, which brings us to the other opposition in the Grand Cross - Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries, in opposition to Juno in Libra.

Juno at 9½° Libra is concerned with maintaining inner equilibrium and manifesting right relations with others, whilst we negotiate some very tricky waters, or more accurately, very tricky energy currents. No matter what is being thrown at us, the challenge here is to maintain peace and inner calm and not react negatively towards others, even when they may be behaving appallingly badly, with ignorance, or with deliberate ill-will. In this respect Juno is reinforcing the qualities of balance, equilibrium and the lightness of being of the goddess Maat / Vega.

Juno is almost exactly conjunct the star Diadem, the Crown, the brightest (alpha) star in the constellation Coma Berenices, positioned at the Galactic Crown Centre.

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This suggests that Juno is bringing into collective awareness the purest heavenly energies of the Divine Mother, the Queen of Heaven (known to us as Isis, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Brigid and many other names), to challenge everything that still needs to be healed (Chiron) in the masculine-oriented world. The aim is to restore Mars to his rightful place as the heroic Spiritual Warrior, fighting for truth, honesty, justice and equality for all beings. Mars conjunct Chiron is about confronting and healing the wounded masculine, in all its manifestations.

This is a planet-wide initiation, calling for all men and all women to stand uncompromisingly within our true spiritual power and to face down and hold to account all those who are acting out, or exerting personal power, from a place of emotional, mental or spiritual woundedness, abandonment, neglect or abuse by parents, siblings, teachers, or anyone else entrusted with a duty of care towards them. As we look around the planet we can identify countless examples, in almost every country, of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual cruelty being exerted by such wounded beings, who have compensated for their wounding by arriving at positions of power. This wounding has occurred not only at the personal, individual level, but to ethnic, religious and social groups, and even to whole nations. We are now seeing the results of how that wounding gets passed on as abusive behaviour towards others when it is not confronted, addressed and then healed. This healing process can be excruciatingly painful, and it is much easier to choose to detach from the wounds and then unconsciously continue repeating the process and projecting it onto further generations. It needs to stop now if we are to move forward into the new paradigm that is being prepared, otherwise we will just carry all that woundedness forward, bringing about a hideous distortion of what the Aquarian Age could be and should be.

To reach the place where we can manifest the best qualities of Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries requires courage and strength. This is not the kind of courage and strength that requires us to grit our teeth, flex our muscles, and force our way forward. It is the courage and strength that can be drawn from the deep love and compassion emanating from the divine feminine within. It is the courage and strength that requires us to acknowledge where our vulnerabilities lie; where we do not know the answers; where we may have to reach out with humility for help from others who have the skills, wisdom and understanding to help us through this challenge. We should not be looking to those who pretend or wish that they had these qualities and use bravado, bluster, or appeal to our baser instincts by using divisive nationalism masquerading as patriotism. Nor should we be setting ourselves up as being better, more worthy, or ‘more spiritual’ than others.

So how can this planetary healing take place? The key lies in the other patterns that involve Chiron, the Healer.

Chiron is part of a small “Eye” or “Ear” pattern, with a (30°) semi-sextile to Uranus in Taurus, which is semi-sextile to Venus in Gemini, which is (60°) sextile back to Chiron. Another “Eye” or “Ear” has Uranus semi-sextile to Venus, which is semi-sextile to retrograde Mercury, which is sextile back to Uranus.

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Uranus is shocking us to awaken and be open to listening to the concerns and needs of others with whom we may have nothing in common, or whose life experiences differ fundamentally from our own, without judgment or bias. Venus is poised between intuitive Uranus and rational Mercury, bringing the ability to feel into and assimilate what others are telling us, to use our discernment but not to take sides or leap to judgments. These two little figures are about being open, self-aware and humble enough to see things from the perspective of others. Without this openness and humility, no healing is possible.

A Cradle pattern is formed by the (180°) opposition between Sun, Vesta, Mercury in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn, with (60°) sextiles and (120°) trines to Uranus in Taurus and Ceres in Pisces.

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Uranus and Ceres show that an abundance of riches are locked away in the Cradle. They are held in place by any conflicts we may feel between either expressing the truth of our essence (Vesta) or wanting to stay in our emotional comfort zones and maintain appearances (Moon in Capricorn). Uranus (Father Heaven) and Ceres (Mother Earth) hold an abundance of spiritual and physical riches that are ready to burst forth once we let go of self-preservation and self-protection mechanisms and dare to heal the wounds within our nature and within our society. If we keep trying to hold at bay these powerful forces of Spirit and of the Natural World, then when they do inevitably burst out they are more likely to result in a break-down, rather than a break-through. We have a choice, to listen and observe the signs of the times and change things willingly, or to hold on to the old ways and wait until change is forced upon us.

Juno is in a Projection Figure / Finger of God, with (150°) quincunxes to Uranus and to Ceres, which are (60°) sextile to each other.

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Juno shows the importance of working consciously to connect with and understand these powerful creative forces of Spirit and the Natural World, which can bring awareness of how to dissolve the blocks that are preventing the creative expression of these potentials for positive change. Remember that Juno is poised to maintain our inner equilibrium and outer balance, by feeling our connection with the divine feminine within and thereby maintaining right relations with all those with whom we come into contact. Being in right relationship with others means honouring their Spirit (Uranus) and honouring the unique circumstances of their human experience (Ceres), no matter how much it may differ from our own experience. If we are truly all One, then we are all reflecting different facets of the multi-faceted Oneness, each contributing towards creating the whole picture.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto and Pallas Athene continues to be in a stand-alone (60°) sextile aspect with retrograde Neptune in Pisces.

Jupiter, Pluto and Pallas Athene have all switched places since their retrograde conjunction on 30th June. Pluto is now ahead, revealing more that needs to come to the surface; Jupiter is just behind Pluto, revealing the belief systems that have been supporting corruption; Pallas Athene is just behind, clearing up the debris to ensure that the weeds of the past cannot take root to grow again. With Neptune still retrograde in Pisces, the task at hand remains to surrender to the changes that are upon us by letting go of the old, worn out paradigm of the mass movements, beliefs, political philosophies and religions from the old Age of Pisces. We cannot go back to the past, nor do we yet have a clear enough vision of what the future holds.

Saturn is (150°) quincunx to the Moon’s North Node in Gemini, and (30°) semi-sextile to the Moon’s South Node.

Retrograde Saturn has now moved from Aquarius back into Capricorn, a few degrees ahead of Pluto, Jupiter and Pallas Athene. Saturn will remain in Capricorn until 17th December, when it finally re-enters Aquarius to stay there until March 2023. Right now, it has come back to shake the foundations of the old paradigm, to ensure that what remains from the Old Age is actually worthy of being carried through to the New. Those who are merely seeking to maintain the status quo may perceive this as a return to “business as usual”, but they are missing the point - and it will be short-lived. Saturn has returned into Capricorn to clear up remaining layers of corruption, self-interest, greed, cruelly intentioned policies and to call out those trying to cast a veneer of respectability over all of this. The key is to look beyond whatever is masquerading as normal or desirable on the surface, to see if there is actually any real substance behind it. For those attempting to gloss things over, by pretending that all is well and that we can go back to the same old same old, Saturn will leave nowhere to hide…not even a fridge!

The (150°) quincunx between the Moon’s North Node and Saturn means that, in order to move forward, there is no other choice than to confront our shadow, face it, own up to it, embrace it and thereby release the positive creative potentials that have been locked away in the unconscious for so long. The show is over, the truth will out, and we must each decide how to move forward, acting with integrity in whatever we decide to do.

Late addition to above words!

Whilst researching for my presentation before the on-line meditation on 4th July at 20:00 BST (19:00 UT/GMT), I discovered a highly significant alignment of the Sun and Moon over two of the world’s most powerful and important sacred sites:

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The Earth’s two great planetary Male and Female Dragon lines, the Plumed Serpent Line and the Rainbow Serpent line, intersect with each other at Lake Titicaca in Bolivia and at Bali in Indonesia.

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At 04.24 UT/GMT, just 6 minutes before the time of Maximum Eclipse, the N-S meridians of the Sun conjunct Vesta will pass directly over Bali.

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At 04:41 UT/GMT, just 11 minutes after the time of Maximum Eclipse, the N-S meridian of the Moon will pass directly over Lake Titicaca.

What this means is that this Lunar Eclipse will be activating ALL of the Earth’s planetary energy grids within this 17 minutes’ timeframe around the moment of Maximum Eclipse, and 3 minutes before the exact alignment of the Sun, Earth and Moon.

💚 💙 🌍 💙 💚




We will be doing a live meditation on Zoom on Saturday 4th July at 8pm and you are invited to join us.

We intend to be at the Hurlers Stone Circles on the Michael-Mary/Rainbow Serpent energy line as the Moon’s North Node and Orion pass overhead at 12.18pm.
If you would like to join us, please gather in the carpark at 11.30am and we’ll walk together-with-distance in ceremony to the stones.
You are invited to link in with us from wherever you are in the world.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Meditation
Meeting ID: 835 7276 5286