Jupiter turns direct

13th September 2020 - 00:40 UT / GMT (01:40 BST)

(Europe: 02:40 CEDT on 13th; USA: 20:40 EDT on 12th)


Jupiter, the bringer of truth, has been retrograde (appearing to move backwards) since the end of June. It will finally turn direct (appear to move forward) on 12th / 13th September. This will be followed by Saturn going direct on 29th September and then Pluto going direct on 4th October.

Jupiter will then make its third and final conjunction of the year with Pluto on 12th November and then Jupiter will conjunct Saturn at the Solstice on 21st December. This whole sequence of conjunctions and retrogrades began back in January 2020; it will reach its culmination at the turning point of the year at Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere, when the Jupiter – Saturn conjunction will bring the possibility for Grounding and Anchoring Truth into the Earth’s energy grids.

In the process of getting to that point, we have globally endured the expression and dissemination of half-truths, untruths, skewed truths, wishful-thinking truths, fantasy truths, escapist truths, fear-based truths and downright lies. Finally, if we choose it, the Truth can Out at the Solstice.

In the lead-up to this, Jupiter will turn direct on 12-13 September in the constellation of Sagittarius (Tropical Zodiac Capricorn), within ½ degree of conjunction with Rukbat, the brightest (alpha) star in Sagittarius. Jupiter is the planet that is said to ‘rule’ Sagittarius, meaning that it has a special affinity with the qualities of that constellation. Rukbat is concerned with strength and steadiness; this is what comes from the Sagittarian archer’s stance. He stands firm and rooted, with total concentration and focus on the target or goal in his/her sights.

With such star energy involved as Jupiter turns direct, this means that we each have the opportunity to turn our attention inwards and to connect with the innermost truth in the core of our being. This is not about what we have learned to believe from others about what is true or not true. It is about peeling away the layers and layers of illusion that we have become been immersed in, whether that is because of our spiritual beliefs, our political beliefs, our social beliefs or what we have chosen to believe in order to make our lies feel more comfortable, or in order to find an acceptable way to live in this increasingly crazy world. If we do one thing as Jupiter turns direct, it should be to ask our inner self / inner spirit / core / source to clear away everything that is not true and real, and to show us the truth of our being.

We will be helped in this by Jupiter’s conjunction (5°) with Pallas Athene; however, for the moment we will also be hindered in this by Jupiter’s conjunction with the still retrograde Pluto and Saturn. These two reprobates are still using every trick in the book to make us feel that we have no real power in the world and that those in positions of power (whether overtly or secretly) are ruthlessly manipulating us, undermining us and controlling us. But this is all part of the Great Lie that keeps us from seeing the immeasurable power of our own being.

Jupiter Direct (1).png

Further blogposts to follow - Saturn then Pluto going direct
Dates for your diary:
Thursday 12th November
Third Jupiter/Pluto conjunction
Ceremony at the Hurlers Stone Circles
Monday 30th November
Lunar Eclipse
Monday 14th December
Total Solar Eclipse over South America
Winter Solstice
Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius
Plans still a-cooking!

Astrology, Jupiter, TruthSue Weaver