Saturn & Pluto turn direct

Saturn - 29th Sept (05:11 UT/GMT)
Pluto - 4th Oct (13:32 UT/GMT)
(Astrology Chart is for 4th Oct)
(Technical Astrology bits are in brackets – they can be ignored, if you prefer.)


Since April / May this year, Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter have all been retrograde (appearing to move backwards from Earth’s perspective). On 13th September, Jupiter turned direct (see previous blog). Now we are about to experience Saturn turning direct on 29th September and then Pluto, on 4th October.


This will mean that we can start the process of emerging from our collective ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ and begin the process of re-structuring that will enable us to move forward in a new direction. However, this is likely to be a slow and gradual process, because Ceres, Mars, Neptune, Chiron and Uranus are all still retrograde, with each in turn gradually turning direct between mid-October to mid-January.

The significance for us now, of Saturn and Pluto turning direct, means that the structures and institutions that have faltered, or ground to a halt during the course of this last year, will either collapse completely (those that are truly inadequate and not fit for purpose) or need to undergo a radical transformation for the better (those that still have some inherent merit and value). If we fail to grasp the need for such radical restructuring, then the current situation is likely to become a longer, more drawn-out and unnecessarily painful process. The good news is, that those with vested interests in propping up the old structures that are inadequate or wrongly motivated are likely to descend into the abyss of oblivion along with the crumbling structures that they are trying to use to maintain their power in the world.

(The key pattern on 4th Oct is a Learning Figure, with Pallas-Athene conjunct Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, all (90°) square to the Sun in Libra, which is (150°) quincunx to retrograde Uranus conjunct the Moon in Taurus, which are (120°) trine back to the conjunction of Pallas, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn.)

Saturn - Pluto Direct 1.png

The conjunction of Pallas-Athene, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn are all now moving direct, making a 90° (red square) aspect to the Sun in Libra. This means that the new vision for the future, which they are carrying, can begin its struggle to emerge into the light. The impetus behind this new vision is causing even those who have been most entrenched in maintaining the status quo, to question the existing power structures and the motivations of those upholding them. The Sun is 150° (green quincunx) to retrograde Uranus and the Moon, challenging even the most stalwart supporters of the status quo to finally reach their limits of tolerance and patience and wake up to what is going on, in plain sight. This is truly an “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” moment for the planet.

The Moon with Uranus means that more and more people are keenly feeling the profound discomfort caused by the many futile attempts of those in power to resolve issues in the old ways; with Uranus still retrograde until mid-January, it is unlikely that we will be able to move fully out of our discomfort and truly experience something new emerging, before then. Uranus will be the last of all the retrograde planets to turn direct, coming after the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, which occurs at the December Solstice. When Uranus does go direct in January, it will bring a real sense of liberation and the ability to finally move forward into the realisation and manifestation of the New Paradigm for the Aquarian Age. The choices that we each individually and collectively make between now and then, will determine exactly what that new paradigm will look like. We have a choice here:

Depending upon where we put our focus, we can choose to help usher in the New Paradigm, based on love, compassion, truth and spiritual discernment, or we can inadvertently help to usher in the dreaded ‘New World Order’, based on fear, lies, manipulation and control of the masses. We should be aware that it is partly the fear of such an outcome that can make it all the more likely for it become a reality. So, whilst it is important to understand that there are, and have been for some time, dark forces trying to bring about the latter scenario, the more we dwell on this, the more we become caught up in fighting it, the more we can actually end up feeding it. Like the story of the two wolves, the light and the dark wolf, fighting for control of our being – it is the one that we feed, which prevails. With awareness that these negative agendas exist in the minds of the few, we need to turn our focus in the opposite direction towards the Light and our potential to create a positive, loving, compassionate, truthful and awake New Paradigm.

(Another Learning Triangle has retrograde Mars in Aries (90°) square to the conjunction of Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and Pallas, which are (150°) quincunx to Vesta in Leo, which is (120°) trine back to Mars.)

Saturn - Pluto Direct 2.png

Retrograde Mars in Aries is revealing, with increasing clarity, what happens when those in positions of power act out of self-interest and not for the good of the whole. Mars, being retrograde is revealing just how adept they have become at “double-speak”, fudging the truth and appearing to say one thing, whilst doing the complete opposite. The quincunx from Pallas, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn to Vesta in Leo means that, in order to discern the real truth of any situation, we must listen to and trust what our hearts are telling us is true.

(Vesta and Mars are at the wings of the blue Kite pattern, with the Moon’s North Node in Gemini at the head of the Kite and the South Node in Sagittarius at the tail.)

Saturn - Pluto Direct 3.png

In order to assist our hearts in discerning what is true, we need to pay attention to the detail (North Node in Gemini) and in particular to any contradictions in the detail. The South Node in Sagittarius may try to lull us, cajole and deceive us by harking back to once noble traditional ideals, or by setting our hopes upon impossible aspirations and unreachable goals. But the truth lies in the coherence of the detail, and in what is actually being achieved.

(Two interlocked Sensitivity Triangles have retrograde Chiron in Aries, (30°) semi-sextile to retrograde Uranus conjunct the Moon in Taurus, as their base. Chiron is in (180°) opposition to the Sun in Libra and (150°) quincunx to the conjunction of Juno and Mercury in Scorpio. Uranus – Moon is in opposition to Juno and Mercury and quincunx to the Sun.)

Saturn - Pluto Direct 4.png

Retrograde Chiron, 30° (green semi-sextile) to retrograde Uranus conjunct the Moon is causing increasing levels of emotional discomfort, in order to make us keenly alert to the need for something to heal within us, individually and collectively. The solution to what needs to be healed lies at the opposite ends of this figure, with the Sun and the Juno – Mercury conjunction. The Sun in Libra brings a yearning to be able to re-emerge into the light, by finding the correct balance between the needs of the self and the needs of others. The conjunction of Juno and Mercury in Scorpio means that in order to find that balance, we need to dig really deep with determination in order to discover the truth of what is motivating ourselves and others, so that we can understand what is right action for the interests of all.

Now that Pallas-Athene, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn are all moving direct, we have to potential to wake up (Pallas) to how we can Manifest (Saturn) the Power (Pluto) of Truth (Jupiter) in our lives and in the lives of all beings.


This beautiful quartz crystal has recently decided to join us to assist in our work with anchoring the energies of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction into the Earth Grids at the December Solstice.

The crystal has a beautiful chlorite phantom which inspires us to go beyond our previous limits of growth.

On 29th September, as Saturn turns direct, we will take the crystal to Avebury to dedicate it to this purpose with a small group of friends. We would invite more of you to join us, but that isn’t to be at this time. Please do focus your intent on this purpose, wherever you are, if this work calls to you.

For all our relations.