Venus conjunct the Sun at Spring Equinox

Venus conjunct the Sun at Equinox

20 th March – 09:37 UT/GMT

Venus is within 1½° of conjunction with the Sun at the Equinox. Venus and the Sun are making a harmonious blue (60° sextile) aspect to Pluto, which is now in the last 4° degrees of Capricorn.

Venus becomes exactly conjunct the Sun on 26 th March. Pluto will not leave Capricorn for Aquarius until 21 st January 2024.

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The Equinox is a time of balance between day and night, between light and dark; Venus teaches us to find balance in our relationships, particularly our relationships with the feminine within ourselves, the feminine within others and the feminine in the outer world. Pluto is about empowerment, it is about confronting abuses of power, and reclaiming power from those who have usurped or misused it in order to control, ignore, or disrespect the autonomy of others, or the needs of the planet.

The blue sextile between Venus – Sun and Pluto is a “stand-alone” aspect, meaning that there are no other connections to any other planets. This means that Venus, Sun and Pluto can express their essence, without the influence or interference of the other planets, or of other interests or agendas. They are concerned with manifesting the true substance and power of the Feminine.

Venus, in the last degrees of Pisces, requires us to acknowledge, confront, release and, when appropriate, forgive the patterns of the past. The “Sabian” symbol for Venus’ degree is “a Prism”. At this Equinox, the Sun can shine its light through the prism of Venus, so that we may all see clearly the many-faceted and diverse layers of beauty of the Feminine and how they have been honoured and respected or dishonoured and disrespected, in the past.

With Venus also having recently conjuncted Neptune in Pisces on 14 th March, this is not just about current issues. It is about addressing and releasing long-term issues and substrata of prejudice or attitudes towards the Feminine that have become embedded in the collective psyche over at least the last 2,000 years of the Age of Pisces. The equinoctial Sun can now shine its light to reveal the brilliance and richly coloured potentials of Venus in her full glory, as well as the darkness of the wounding that she carries from the past, so that it can be addressed and healed.

If we want to understand how to heal our relationship with the Feminine, then we must look so see what is happening with Mars, with what the Masculine needs to address.

Mars is conjunct the Moon’s North Node and the Moon, in Gemini. These are square (90°) to retrograde Vesta in Virgo, which is quincunx (150°) to a conjunction of Chiron and Ceres in Aries, which are sextile (60°) back to Mars – N. Node – Moon.

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The North Node always reveals the true purpose of any chart or event. This is about the Masculine (Mars) taking full responsibility for his feelings and instinctual urges (Moon) towards the Feminine. The red square to Vesta is about him making the effort to get in touch with his deepest feeling attitudes towards women that he holds in the depths of his heart. This mat bring him to confront how he feels about his primal relationship with the Feminine, with his Mother (Ceres), and the attitudes towards the Feminine that have developed as a result of this relationship (or lack of it). Whether his mothering was good, nurturing, supportive, and with clear boundaries and respect for the Feminine, or whether it was in some way lacking, un-nurturing, needy, abusive or with unclear boundaries, the most important thing for the Masculine is to take full responsibility for understanding what needs to heal in his relationship to the Feminine, and to act upon that understanding. The alternative (Moon’s South Node in Sagittarius) is to keep perpetuating old patriarchal beliefs, old ingrained attitudes or dysfunctional patterns that have resulted in the dishonouring, disempowering, disrespect or abuse of the Feminine.

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Juno stands alone, 9° away from the Moon’s South Node, unaspected in Sagittarius. She reveals the true meaning of Right Relationship, the true meaning of honouring the Feminine, within ourselves and within others, without any interference or hidden agendas. Juno is the true voice of the Feminine; she is, at one and the same time, the voice of the divine Feminine, whose full potential, beauty and power is acknowledged, and she is the voice of the wounded Feminine whose full potential, beauty and power is unacknowledged, disrespected or abused. At this time of balance, release and healing, we surely all need to truly pay attention, to hear her voice, and to respond appropriately.

Happy Spring Equinox

We’ll be at the Hurlers Stone Circles at midday on Saturday

Because of restrictions, we aren’t able to plan a gathering.

If you happen to be passing the carpark at 11:45, maybe even with your drum, we’ll probably see you.