Partial Lunar Eclipse 18th/19th November 2021

Sun – Moon opposition exact at 08:57 Universal Time/GMT on 19th
Local Time:
00:57 Pacific Standard Time on 19th
22:57 Alaska – Hawaii Standard Time on 18th
Maximum Eclipse at 09:02 UT/GMT (01:02 PST - 19th / 23:02 AHST – 18th)

A powerful Lunar Eclipse occurs over the Pacific Ocean and North America on 18th / 19th November. According to NASA, this will be the longest Lunar Eclipse of the century with the Penumbral Eclipse lasting for 6 hours (06:02 – 12:03 UT) and the Umbral Eclipse for 3½ hours (07:18 – 10:47 UT). 

Lunar Eclipses have the effect of releasing us from our emotional attachments to past ways of being and behaving. This one will occur predominantly over the great Plumed Serpent, male planetary Dragon Line, which sweeps through the Aleutian Islands in Alaska and down the western side of the United States into Mexico and South America.


At this eclipse, the release will involve the planets that are clustered together in opposition to one another and forming a powerful T-square pattern that dominates the astrology chart:

The Moon in Taurus will be conjunct the Moon’s North Node and asteroid Ceres, in Gemini, all of which will be in opposition to a conjunction of Mars, Mercury and the Sun in Scorpio, and asteroid Vesta and the Moon’s South Node in Sagittarius. Jupiter in Aquarius will be at the apex of the T-square.

What is being released are our old attachments (Vesta conjunct South Node) to the misuse of masculine power and control (Sun conjunct Mars in Scorpio) and, in particular, the ways in which we may have, consciously or unconsciously, collectively sought to rationalise, justify or make excuses for such behaviour (Mercury in Scorpio). 

The presence of retrograde Ceres conjunct with the North Node and Moon suggests that neither can we look to romantic or idealistic attachments to the traditions of the past for solutions about how to proceed from here. The Sabian symbol for Ceres’ zodiac degree is “an old fashioned well”, reminding us of the Yi Jing (I Ching) hexagram 48, the Well, where the commentary says that “the town may be changed, but the well cannot be changed”, because that is the source from where the water of life flows to nourish and sustain us. However, Ceres being retrograde indicates that we cannot simply regress to some ideal of a “more natural or simplistic” way of being, because global circumstances have progressed and changed so radically. The solution to this dilemma lies with the planet at the apex of the T-square, Jupiter in Aquarius. 

We need to find new, imaginative solutions that are not just technological, but also take into account an intuitive understanding of our common humanity and our common spirit. The important thing with Jupiter in Aquarius is not to get carried away with grandiose or elitist schemes, nor to believe that technology alone can provide the answers, nor that changing our beliefs or behaviour alone can provide the answers. Jupiter in Aquarius is about seeing and embracing the complete picture so that we take into account the very differing needs of different groups, interests, cultures, ethnicities, nationalities and countries. There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution to any of the major problems that are confronting the world; this was the old Piscean Age approach to such problems, which has had its day. 

In order to make it through this transitional time, we have to acknowledge the rich diversity and individuality of all human life and seek enlightened ways to accommodate and honour every aspect of that. That means that decisions and actions that are designed solely to support vested interests will simply not be able to function anymore. The sooner this is understood by governments and corporations, the easier life will become for everyone on the planet, including those very decision-makers who have been bending over backwards, sideways and forwards to accommodate the vested interests.

Saturn in Aquarius keeps plodding along, not far behind Jupiter. Whilst Jupiter is prompting us to forge ahead and create new pathways and opportunities, Saturn is painstakingly, relentlessly, and often nitpickingly highlighting those very areas where Jupiter can get carried away, deluded, or think that it can get away with bad behaviour. Saturn is holding onto the reins, still just about managing to maintain a sense of right and wrong, which is mostly glaringly obvious to anyone who has not completely abandoned their common sense. 

Saturn is in Trine (120º) aspect with retrograde Ceres, which is square (90º) to Pallas Athene in Pisces, which is semi-sextile (30º) to Saturn. Saturn and Ceres are also sextile (60º) to Chiron, retrograde in Aries.

Pallas Athene, the female warrior, representing the voice of inner truth that seeks to uphold justice and integrity, is acting to protect the interests of Mother Earth (Ceres). Pallas, via the 30º semi-sextile is also roping in Saturn to be the voice of caution, restraint and reason to help ensure that Her interests are truly served rather than just being given lip-service. 

Retrograde Chiron is showing us very clearly what shadow qualities (Saturn) still need to be healed in our personal lives and in the collective life of the planet (Ceres). The 90º square from Venus in Capricorn to Chiron means that we will continue to feel uncomfortable until we own and confront our personal and collective wounds and truly acknowledge what needs to be healed. 

Asteroid Juno, in the first degrees of Capricorn, is semi-sextile (30º) to the South Node – Vesta conjunction and quincunx (150º) to the Moon – North Node conjunction. 

Juno is concerned with right relationship with self and others. In Capricorn, this all hinges upon respect - self-respect and true respect for others. The green 30º semi-sextile and 150º quincunx bring an unequivocal awareness of exactly what it is that we need to let go of if we are to make clear, constructive, intelligent decisions and choices for our individual and collective futures. It is time to wake up to the fact that, like it or not, we are actually in relationship with everyone else on this planet, because now, more that ever-before, our thoughts and actions will have a profound and lasting effect upon everyone else and upon the planet herself.

Just 3 minutes after Maximum Eclipse, Uranus will be on the Midheaven, directly above Kilauea volcano on Big Island, Hawaii, one of the main energy vortex wheels that drives the movement of the great male Plumed Serpent around the planet. Uranus is saying “Let go of your baggage and Wake Up!”

Sue Weaver