Spring Equinox 2022

Spring Equinox Global Meditation - A Stillpoint for World Peace
20th March 15:30 – 16:00 UTC/GMT 
(For other time zones, see below)

At this equinox, as with all Spring Equinoxes, for a short while we will stand poised and perfectly balanced between the darkness and the light, before the light begins to gain the ascendancy in the northern hemisphere. 

This Equinox is particularly significant, as it heralds the coming conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on 12thApril. More about that in our next Astrology blog post.

When we look at the many power struggles going on around us in the world, it can be a real challenge not to react in ways that throw us off balance, which effectively renders us powerless to have any clear energetic influence over world events. 

However, during the exact time of the equinox, there will be a brief window of 24 minutes, when the Sun is at 0º 0’ Aries, when we will be able to align with our inner still point and the outer still point occurring between the Earth and Sun. 

At 15:34 UTC the Sun reaches 0º 0’ Aries, where it remains until 15:58 UTC, when it will move on by one minute of arc to 0º 01’ Aries. 

During that 24-minute window, the Moon will also move from 29º 53’ Libra to 0º 07’ Scorpio, so for a few minutes the Moon will be at 0º 0’ Scorpio at the same time as the Sun is at 0º 0’ Aries. 

This perfect 150º (quincunx/inconjunct) relationship between the Sun and the Moon holds the potential for an evolutionary leap in the collective consciousness of Humanity.


The moment of balance and stillness in the relationship between Earth and Sun represents our connection to the greater Cosmos; the moment of balance and stillness in the relationship between the Earth and Moon represents the possibility to achieve balance between our minds (Libra - Air) and our emotions (Scorpio - Water), bringing us into alignment with the greater Cosmos.

In these moments, there is the possibility for each of us to embody the peaceful still point of the equinox into our very being, into our bodies, into our feelings, into our minds, into the Earth grids, and into the events taking place on the Earth. The key is to let go of all thoughts, intentions and agendas and to simply be in stillness for at least a few moments, during those 24 minutes.

Suggested Meditation

Here is a suggested meditation for that time, wherever you are on the planet – global time-zones are listed below.

Breathe in the golden light of the Sun and hold it in your heart, then breathe it out and down through your body, into the Earth. Repeat three times until you feel your whole body becoming suffused with golden light.

Breathe the light of a silver-white Moon in through your Alta Major centre, located between your eyebrows, let it fill your head, bathing your brain and cerebro-spinal fluid with calming silver-white light. Breathe it out and down your spine to gather in a pool of silver-white light below your navel. Repeat three times.

Again, breathe in the light of the golden Sun and breathe it down to gather and merge with the pool of silver light below your navel. Then breathe in below your navel and breathe the gold and silver light out and down and into the Earth. 

Then repeat from the beginning, for the duration.

At the end, bring your focus back into your heart, reach down to the Earth to draw up a cloak of gold and emerald-green light and wrap it around your entire body. When you’re ready open your eyes and drink some water.

Link-in times for other Time Zones
Time Zone map: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/#!cities=136

08:30 – 09:00 PDT
09:30 – 10:00 MDT
10:30 – 11:00 CDT
11:30 – 12:00 EDT

Europe & Russia:
16:30 – 17:00 CET (Central Europe)
17:30 – 18:00 EET (Eastern Europe)
18:30 – 19:00 MSK (Moscow)

Australia & NZ:
23:30 – 00:00 (21st) – AWST
01:30 – 02:00 (21st) – ACST
02:30 – 03:00 (21st) – AEDT
04:30 – 05:00 (21st) - NZDT