Winter Solstice 2021

Winter Solstice 2021

21st Dec at 16.00 UT/GMT

As the Sun symbolically descends into the Earth at Winter Solstice, it carries our awareness deep into the core of our being, focussing its light on the need to truly care for the planet and all beings who dwell on Her; at the same time, it also focuses on the need to truly take care of our own personal and family needs for comfort, health, abundance and security. The question is, how to live in ways that fulfil both of those needs (planetary and personal) at the same time, without creating any conflict of interest.


The Sun at 0º Capricorn has two (150º) quincunxes to Moon’s North Node in Gemini conjunct retrograde Ceres in Taurus and to the Moon in Cancer. There is a (60)ºsextile between the Moon and the Moon’s Node – Ceres conjunction.

This pattern formed by the Sun is variously known as a “Finger of God”, “Finger of Fate” or “Projection Figure”. The energy dynamic of this pattern works in such a way that the core issue facing the planet or body at the apex (in this case, the Sun) gets projected out onto the ‘screen’ created by the other planets (the blue sextile between the Moon and the North Node-Ceres conjunction), so that we may more clearly see its component parts and, by having them reflected back to us, we may come to understand what are the current core issues, so that we can resolve any apparent conflicts of interest.

The key is to understand the need to care equally for the planet (Ceres) and for all living beings (Moon), including ourselves, by truly understanding that everything and everyone is inter-dependent. We cannot care about something in one area of life, whilst ignoring or blaming another part or person for the perceived ‘problems’ we are facing. That is not care, but just another form of elitism, of “I’m alright Jack”, of “my needs / concerns / interests are more important or outweigh your needs / concerns / interests.”


The Moon, at the apex of a ‘Striving Figure’, is in opposition to a conjunction of Pluto and retrograde Venus in Capricorn, which have (30º) semi-sextiles to Jupiter in Aquarius and to the Solstice Sun; the Sun and Jupiter have (150º) quincunxes from the Moon.

In order to truly feel and express our inner power and autonomy (Venus-Pluto), we need to remain true to our deepest self (solstice Sun), whilst keeping awake to the true ideals and needs of others and the changing realities of the world around us (Jupiter). If we do this, then we will be able to communicate our true feelings (Moon), out into the world. This figure requires us to have the backbone to stand in our truth, no matter what others may think, feel, or how they might try to cajole, manipulate, shame, blame or control us.


Together, these two patterns, the Projection Figure and the Striving Figure, form another figure known as a “Bathtub”, formed by the (60º) sextile from the Sun to Jupiter, the (90º) square from Jupiter to Ceres – North Node and another sextile from Ceres – North Node to the Moon.

The outer structure of the Bathtub, formed by the Sun, Jupiter, Ceres – North Node and the Moon requires a large amount of strength and resilience in order to contain all of the awareness and sensitivity being generated by the green (150º) quincunx aspects. That strength is dependent upon the red square from Jupiter to Ceres – North Node, whose (Sabian) degree symbols are respectively, a butterfly, a peacock and Santa Claus. In other words, we need to develop the strength to understand that we are collectively transforming into something quite beautiful and majestic, which will surprise and delight us. But first, we have to trust and allow ourselves to go through the apparent loss or death of our old self that will lead to our individual and collective transformation. Nothing about this is concerned with “getting back to normal”; it is concerned with transforming everything that has brought us to this point of clear realisation that the old paradigm simply does not work anymore, if it ever truly did. Every time we attempt just to “return to normal”, we will simply end up with a new variation of the old unworkable paradigm, which will keep taking us back to the same point, until we realise that radical, transformative change is needed at every level of being, so that we can collectively begin to manifest the new paradigm. That paradigm requires genuine honouring and care for the planet and for all of our fellow beings on the planet.


Jupiter is at the apex of a T-square pattern, with (90º) squares to each end of the opposition between North Node in Gemini conjunct retrograde Ceres in Taurus and Mars conjunct Moon’s South Node in Sagittarius.

The Moon’s Nodes are about to move into Taurus (North Node) and Scorpio (South Node) in mid-January - Astrologer Steven Forrest has written an excellent newsletter about this:

The key to understanding how we need to adapt our behaviour to respond to the true needs of the planet (North Node conjunct Ceres) and humanity, is to let go of any traditional or entrenched belief systems that run contrary to those needs (South Node conjunct Mars in Sagittarius), no matter how noble, respected or well-intentioned those beliefs may be. As the Moon-Node axis shifts (always retrograde) in January from Gemini (N. Node) – Sagittarius (S. Node) into Taurus – Scorpio, our challenge for the next 18 months will be to let go of trying to sift out the grains of truth (Gemini) from the overwhelming mass of beliefs, opinions and theories of others (Sagittarius), towards following and trusting the evidence of our senses (Taurus). In order to be truly able to trust the evidence of our senses (and our common sense), we must not allow ourselves to become side-tracked by others trying to manipulate our feelings (Scorpio), tapping into ancient feelings of fear, guilt and unresolved wounds that come from our past, which can make it difficult to trust our true feeling sense of what is right and what is wrong.

If we trust the evidence of our senses and any feelings that are congruent with that, then we will be better attuned to respond to the true needs of the moment, rather than trying to make sense of events and experiences, based on some belief, ideal, formula, opinion or dogma. But in order to truly be able to trust our feelings in the moment, this will require us to acknowledge and confront whatever emotional wounds we may be carrying in the depths of our being (South Node in Scorpio), so that we may address and heal those wounds (North Node in Taurus). If we plant the seeds for this process at the Winter Solstice, then Jupiter in Aquarius can bring us opportunities for a rebirth. For this rebirth to take place, we simply need to be honest with ourselves and others about our deepest (and darkest) feeling patterns and to understand where those patterns originate from in our past, without judgment.

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A Shield pattern has retrograde Uranus in Taurus (120º) trine Mercury conjunct Juno in Capricorn; there are (30º) semi-sextiles from Uranus to Chiron in Aries and from Mercury-Juno to Saturn in Aquarius; Saturn and Chiron are (60º) sextile one another; there are (90º) squares from Saturn to Uranus and from Chiron to Mercury-Juno.

The blue (120º) trine between Mercury – Juno and Uranus serves to protect the less resilient (60º) sextile between Saturn and Chiron; what is being protected is our willingness to heal (Chiron) our personal shadow (Saturn), by acknowledging any apparent ‘benefits’ may be tied up in that and which we may be afraid of losing. The square from Saturn to retrograde Uranus indicates the struggle between trying to hold on to negative attachments out of fear, versus the pressure to let go and face the fear of somehow being overwhelmed by the impersonal force of the collective (retrograde Uranus). Healing (Chiron) can come when we realise how to truly communicate, hear and be heard (Mercury) by others, for the unique individuals (Juno) that we each are.


Hiding behind the Shield is Pallas Athene in Pisces, at the apex of a Small Talent Figure, with (60º) sextiles to Uranus and Mercury – Juno. Pallas Athene is widely conjunct Neptune, also in Pisces, which is (90º) square to Vesta in Sagittarius.

Pallas represents our ability to use our inherent honesty and integrity as a shield that can enable us to stand firm in our convictions, and not become overwhelmed as we hold on to the truth that is in our hearts (Vesta). The single square aspect from Neptune out to Vesta, can make following our innermost heart feel like we are quite literally “going out on a limb”, but when we do this with courage, it will have the unlimited force of the Unconditional Love of the Universe (Neptune) behind it.

For All Our Relations.

Sue Weaver